The key purpose for the Prospective EPD is to fill a need and gap for products recently released or not yet released to the market, when the 12 months data quality requirement is not possible to achieve.
PCRen NPCR 026 Part B for Furniture and components of furniture er oppdatert.
EPD-Norway is launching a CO2 calculator for electrical products in lighting, more specifically a GWP - Global Warming Potential Calculator for B6 - Operational Energy Use Stage.
ECO Platform arrangerer ECO EPD Officer level1 kurs november 2024. Kurset er hovedsakelig rettet mot produsenter, men også innkjøpere vil ha nytte av kurset. Ingen forkunnskaper kreves. Kurset er åpent også for de som ikke er medlemmer av ECO Platform.
A “cradle-to-grave” life cycle study of the Silk® Nova series (n-type), showed a lower #carbonfootprint of the #panels compared to their p-type predecessors. The study was verified by a third party and certified by EPD-Norway, an internationally recognised certification body.